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Globally Distributed Cloud Object Storage

ally Distributed Cloud Object Storage

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For any type of serious application it just makes sense to build it on Storj. Its flexibility lets us easily work with or move to different platforms, or redirect traffic in different ways.Bruce van ZylCo-founder at Tribe SocialRead the case studyProviding safe technology solutions for children also means protecting their data, Gabb Cloud will give both kids and parents alike peace of mind, no matter what might happen to their device.Nate RandallCEO at Gabb WirelessRead the press releaseWith Storj, We have the capability, without any retrieving, to do a video preview directly from the media user interface to select a timeframe, where to start timeframe, where to stop, your creation and to do a partial retrieve of your data.Louis-Frederic LaszloVP Product Management at AtempoRead the solution brief11 NinesDurability99.95%Availability20,000+EndpointsAES-256 GCMEncryptionGlobal storage on the better cloud.Store data securely on thousands of nodes worldwide instead of just a few vulnerable data centers with privacy and CDN-like performance by design.Get a demoFeatured articles.November 9, 2023Want to improve RTO and RPO? Go regionless with Acronis and Storj.Read moreOctober 26, 2023Guest Brent Ellis of Forrester says cloud storage has a disrupter — 3 ways you can benefit nowRead moreOctober 19, 2023Want to globally distribute data without regional replication? Here's how.Read moreOctober 12, 2023Is ‘free egress’ really free?Read moreSee what better storage can do for your business.Get S3-compatible object storage with better security, performance and cost.Get startedGet a demoSwitch to Storj and get ridiculously resilient cloud object storage with blazing performance and zero-trust security.Subscribe to our newsletter

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STORJ是什么,能够成为云存储领头羊吗? - 知乎

STORJ是什么,能够成为云存储领头羊吗? - 知乎首发于币种解读切换模式写文章登录/注册STORJ是什么,能够成为云存储领头羊吗?吃葡萄的人这段时间一直在观察云存储板块,也做了一些思考,为什么这个领域里面的项目都是高开低走,答案有很多,最主要的还是不能够被主流用户所接受(企业和个人),因为很多国家和地区对待这种支付方式的态度还不够明确​。同时自身代币也不具备信任的​基础。之前写过一篇关于FIL的,FIL是什么,可以长期持有吗。FIL算得上是这个行业里面高开低走的典型代表了,同时也是这个板块的龙头​。从上线以来就一直是喋喋不休的走势,不仅套牢的无数多的散户,还套牢了无数多的​矿工。本人对避坑有所研究,在FIL避坑上还算是挽救了二三十人​。早期不管是咨询我挖矿还是屯币的,我的态度都是毫不掩饰的让放弃​。​同时也解释了放弃的逻辑。(40以下还是可以玩玩的,可以不喜欢,但不能无脑排斥)回到云存储板块,是这么定义去中心化存储的​:去中心化存储项目包括,以硬盘空间作为算力证明挖矿的POC共识项目,和以分布式储存为算力挖矿的储存服务项目。数据存储就是将一定量的数据通过不同的存储架构存储到不同的存储介质当中。现在的商业生态,数据存储是建立在中心化的服务器和存储硬盘上,而在区块链网络上,数据的交互操作如:记账、一次性验证、计算、同步等,主要靠各个分布式节点网络的共同确认来促进信任、验证身份,保证了信息的透明、不被篡改伪造。从上面看,不管是FIL,还是AR,SC,HOT,BTT,XCH,都是在这里面做文章,然后在细节上强行弄出差异化,本质来说都是​大同小异的。那我为什么要拿出STORJ来讲,主要是因为有两点我比较感兴趣,第一点是不受审查​;第二点是​满足企业级存储标准。我们先来看下这个项目基本情况,Storj是一个致力于成为免审查、免监控且不会停机的云存储平台。Storj平台通过加密和一系列去中心化的应用程序,允许用户以安全和去中心化的方式存储数据。它使用块交易功能,如交易分类帐、公共/私人密钥加密和加密散列函数以实现安全性。此外,与传统的云存储服务相比,它将更便宜、更快、更安全。Storj 的核心目标是改善传统的云存储服务,让用户重新掌握设备和数据的“控制权”。去中心化,意味着 Storj 没有中央服务器,此外由于采用了客户端加密技术,只有终端用户可以访问解密文件和密钥,极大地提升了文件安全性。在应用场景方面,Storj包括一个平台、一种数字HB和一系列应用程序,允许用户存储数据。它利用了区块链的一些功能,比如交易账本、公钥私钥,保障安全的加密哈希。Storj基于比特币区块链技术和网络传输方式,为用户提供最安全的、私人的和加密的云存储。Storj 将每个文件分割成块,将它们加密后,分配到 Storj 网络进行存储。该网络包括 driveshare 节点,由世界各地的用户出租他们闲置的硬盘空间以换取Storjcoin X(SJCX)。Storj 实验室计划建立世界上第一个分布式云存储平台,允许任何人在一个P2P的网络中互相购买和出售存储空间,并且提供DaaS(数据即服务)工具和编程接口。Storj是一个去中心化的云存储框架网络平台,生态用户可以使用通证购买存储服务,另一方面参与者也可以提供闲置的存储空间给网络平台使用,同时获得一定的价值回报。此外,Storj Network的服务对象可以做到面向全球化,在网络运行过程中,对文件与数据加密、分片和分发至世界各地的节点进行存储。整个系统的优点是安全性高、成本低且私密性强。Storj实施客户端加密的对等云存储网络将允许用户在不依赖第三方存储提供商的情况下传输和共享数据。没有中央控制将减少大多数传统的数据故障和中断,并大大增加安全性,隐私和数据控制。Storj是一种协议,用于创建分布式网络,用于在对等体之间形成和执行存储合同。Storj协议允许网络上的对等体协商合同,传输数据,验证远程数据的完整性和可用性,检索数据和支付其他节点。每个对等体是一个自主代理,能够在没有重大的人际交互的情况下执行这些动作。最后来总结下,Storj默认加密是每个文件的标准加密。所有内容在上传之前都经过加密 - 也就是数据仅掌握在自己和共享的人手中。Storj DCS的下载速度等于或优于所有主要的云提供商。并且这个速度是默认速度,完全不需要额外花费​。同时再加上免审查和企业级标准,这个项目就与其他同类项目有重大​不同之处了。​ 发布于 2021-11-24 17:56云存储区块链(Blockchain)以太坊矿池​赞同 3​​6 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录币种解读玩得多了,自然就写得出来了,但是什么也代表不了。币圈观察者13年接触比特币,15年持有比特币,然后进入

一文搞懂Storj 安装及配置 - 知乎

一文搞懂Storj 安装及配置 - 知乎首发于斑斓之书切换模式写文章登录/注册一文搞懂Storj 安装及配置狗哥投资、比特币、以太坊请加私人号,带领韭菜们入群吃肉(ID:jojo_baijin)备注:知乎文章来源:币圈百科,作者:世庆Storj 是一个去中心化的云存储平台,通过加密和一系列分散的应用程序,允许用户以安全和分散的方式存储数据,大家可以简单理解为百度云的区块链版本,比传统云存储平台更便宜、更快、更安全。Storj 激励 Token 名称是 STORJ,交易平台价格现在是七元,通过家用电脑挖矿就能获得,并且 Storj 的挖矿不需要任何抵押也没有惩罚机制,想挖就挖,上手十分方便。今天就给大家介绍下 Storj 的图形挖矿软件 (Storj Share GUI)。一、配置要求1主机笔记本或者PC主机都可以,核心参数是CPU、内存和硬盘。CPU:多线程每一个 CPU 线程可以创建一个节点,节点越多,可以获得的挖矿任务越多,收益也就越高。目前国内用户提供的存储空间远大于需要,所以获取挖矿任务难度比较大,尽可能多的设置节点很有必要。内存:1-2G/线程1-2G/线程是官方推荐配置,实际挖矿过程中,节点大多数时间都是空闲的,根据给每个节点分配的存储空间,每TB 0.5-1G就可以。硬盘:最大8T/线程每个节点存储空间上限为8T。权重越高的节点,获取挖矿任务越多,需要分配更多的存储空间。权重代表这个节点的稳定性,和在线时间等有关系。大家常问,有没有必要买专业硬盘?Storj 挖矿过程没有长时间、持续的读写数据,没必要买高价专业硬盘。2网络大家在接下来的安装过程中,遇到的最大问题就是网络问题,所有步骤正确,最后出现连接不上桥(Bride),在这里解释下,有助于后面的理解。Storj 挖矿本质上和过去BT下载差不多,都是利用P2P的文件传输方式,所以在文件上传和下载过程中,让网络通过IP地址确定你的位置是必要环节。推荐使用三大运营商(移动、联通、电信)的宽带,网络比较稳定。小运营商NAT环境复杂,可能会嵌套多层NAT并且无法分配外网IP,结果就是你在P2P网络里失连了。P2P现在用的最多的两个协议,一个是基于Kademila 的DHT(分布式哈希表),一个是UPNP(通用即插即用)。如果要增大上传下载速度,必须要做端口映射。举个例子,快递员要把快递送到你办公室,没做端口映射,就好像你只写了办公楼**大厦,没有写办公室房间号,快递员得先去大厅前台查;做了端口映射,就能直接准确送达。Storj 就是这位快递员, 拥有一定NAT穿透能力,如果办公楼里的房间太多,环境复杂,Storj 的网桥就无法与你成功连接。在后期我们优化网络,比如使用动态IP,也是这样道理,让“快递员”更快找到你。3钱包地址兼容ERC-20的ETH钱包均可,可以直接用IMTOKEN。官方推荐钱包申请网站: 推荐二、安装设置 NetTimeWindows 时间同步一般会有几秒至十几秒的差异,Storj 为了保证 各节点时间戳的一致性,要求系统时间不得有超过500毫秒的误差,否则挖矿失败。1时间同步工具 NetTime 3.14下载NetTime 3.14 下载地址:下载完成不断 Next 直到安装完,在右下角托盘中找到NetTime,点击右键,选择 Properties。2界面设置按照下图进行设置,同步时间间隔改为15分钟,时间同步服务的网址复制到方框中,最后点击 Update ,关掉就可以了。同步时间服务器列表:http://hk.pool.ntp.org三、安装挖矿软件Storj需要三个过程,下载软件,安装设置以及检查确认。1下载Storj打开下载网址:根据自己电脑操作系统选择32位或者64位,不使用 V.P.N 下载速度慢属于正常现象。2安装Storj添加防火墙打开安装程序,勾选添加防火墙规则,如果没有勾选,软件安装完成,界面中 Port 会是黑色,外部端口无法使用。填写钱包地址界面提示:请填写个人 ERC20 钱包地址,不要使用交易所地址。选择目标文件夹设置挖矿数据储存文件夹。单独创建,最好不要和个人文件放同一个,并且如果一块硬盘要分多个节点储存,每个节点需要单独新建文件夹,不能直接用根目录。设置当前节点储存空间根据硬盘剩余容量大小(箭头标注),设置出租空间大小,比如图片中我的硬盘还剩40G,我选择了20G出租。储存单位也可以选择MB、GB、TB。设置端口号默认不勾选 Reachable 就是以 UPNP 方式连接。前面已经讲过,UPNP可以做到自动端口映射,只要有外网 IP 并且软件,系统,网络设备3方都支持,同时开启 UPNP 功能,挖矿才能正常进行(如果UPNP失败则会启用备用方案反向http隧道来进行NAT连接)问题:在最新版本测试过程中,界面停在了 Checking ,无法进行下一步,并且社群中很多人都出现了这个问题。网上可查资料无解决方案。可能原因:路由器导致路由器 UPNP 没有打开UPNP打开,但是路由器没有实时监测。国内的路由器系统对新的端口更新并不及时,并且在Storj 挖矿过程中,节点掉线市场发生。其他为止原因。解决方案一:登录路由器控制后台登录地址和密码在路由器后面标签都有写,初始密码一般为admin,如果忘记可以按下 Reset 重置。打开路由器UPNP管理界面如果对路由器设置不熟悉,打客服电话,客服小哥的专业程度是很高的。检查客户端的UPNP,安装软件时默认外部端口为4000,如果出现在了列表中,证明开启成功;未出现则要打开UPNP,然后关掉软件,重新开始从步骤一操作。重启路由器、电脑在UPNP出现在路由后台之后,先重启路由,目的是让路由器刷新UPNP,然后重启电脑,打开软件重复上述步骤。解决方案二(简单):最新版本 V7.3.4 在安装过程就要检测UPNP的设置,如果配置不正确,会卡在安装界面无法进行下一步。安装 V7.3.2 则可以避过这个问题,进入软件操作界面设置,重复方案一的过程,可查看更多信息,解决配置问题之后,重启软件,更新即可,正确设置会保留。成功进入软件界面界面显示,“You are amazing ! ”,终于设置成功。 四、确认检查 Storj 运行状况目的是确认软件是否正常挖矿,以及介绍一个监工网址,保证节点正常运行。上图是我的窗口界面截图,Bridges 状态 Connected ,Delta显示为延迟数,Port 表示端口随机数。整个界面中,绿色为最佳,橙色次之,也是正常状态。 从官方API接口最后确认我们的Node 是否已经进入队列中,复制下面链接: "Nodeid " "Nodeid"替换为你软件界面下的字符串,比如上图的Nodeid 就是 ec49bc831f1433a6db48bad2079f0ced8845772d把这串字符组合放到浏览器地址打开,得到如下信息(个人数据已经*代替)。{"lastSeen":"2018-04-12T05:50:27.362Z","port":4001,"address":"***.***.***.***","userAgent":"8.*.*","protocol":"*.*.*","spaceAvailable":true,"reputation":3,"responseTime":10087.277974568915,"nodeID":"1e47369ae6c5eac8348dd4e4eac33adaaebd5fec"}responseTime 系统设定初始值为10000,会随时间变化,只要responseTime数据显示正常,则 Storj 已经正常运行,至此基本设置完成。 由于 Storj 文件传输需要的网络权限较高,都需要手动操作,挖矿软件无法集成这些功能, 所以安装以及使用过程中节点掉线还是时常出现,下次再给大家一个监工网站使用教程,随时掌握自己节点运行状况。五、挖矿收益规则paymentModelFunction = function(gbHours, downloadedBytes) { HOURS_IN_MONTH = (24 * 365) / 12## Average number of hours in a month STORJ_USD_RATE = 2.20 ## This is determined by value reported on at time ## of payout calculation. gbHoursScaled = sapply((gbHours - median(gbHours)) / sd(gbHours), function(x) ifelse(x < 0, 0, x)) downloadedBytesScaled = sapply((downloadedBytes - median(downloadedBytes)) / sd(downloadedBytes),function(x) ifelse(x < 0, 0, x))## Both gbHoursScaled and downloadedBytesScaled can not be less than 0 to ## ensure everyone gets at least the base payout amount. downloadedBytesFlag = as.numeric(downloadedBytes > 0) gbHoursFlag = as.numeric(gbHours >= 730) isQualifiedFlag = sapply(gbHoursFlag + downloadedBytesFlag,function(x) ifelse(x > 0, 1, 0))## At least one of the above criteria must be met to qualify for a payment. basePayout = (1.50 / STORJ_USD_RATE) * isQualifiedFlag## The current base payout is set to $1.50 USD. ghHourPayout = 4.3536 * gbHoursScaled * isQualifiedFlag downloadedBytesPayout = 3.0060 * downloadedBytesScaled * isQualifiedFlag payoutAmountSTORJ = ghHourPayout + downloadedBytesPayout + basePayout payoutAmountUsd = payoutAmountSTORJ * STORJ_USD_RATE cbind(payoutAmountSTORJ, payoutAmountUsd)}官方收益函数说明:总收益=(时间收益+下载数据收益+基本收益)*汇率(Storj/USD)汇率=0.8167,具体以结算时网站实时数据为准:基本收益=1.5/汇率时间收益=11.45*评估时间数下载数据收益=3.006*评估下载数据量(评估时间数及核定下载量官网解释为衡量实际值与平均值的差异量大小)无收益情况:最近1周不在线当月储存数据量小于1GB挖矿收益计算:以下资源均有收益:储存空间大小,上传带宽,基础收益计量单位:GBh,储存1GB文件达1小时记为1GBh,类似用电量(每个月最低收益要求:1GB文件*24小时*365天/12个月=730GBh)每月储存量小于1GB,无收益下载shard资料碎片无收益,上传shard才有收益当月当前节点下线时间大于1周,无收益收益资费标准:0.015美元/GB/月收益支付方式:ERC-20代币– STORJ 。---END---【关注白话八比特 轻松学习区块链 微信号:baihuabtc】【添加老白微信,带韭菜们进群吃肉 微信号:jojo_baijin】备注:知乎发布于 2018-04-25 17:06HC超级社区区块链(Blockchain)小蚁区块链​赞同 6​​1 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录斑斓之书区块链

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Cool your cloud bill with StorjCalculate your savingsProductProductHow it WorksA new approach to cloud storageIntegrationsIt's easy to make the switchWhy StorjS3-CompatibilityAvailability & DurabilityPerformanceSecurity & PrivacySustainabilityComplianceSolutionsSolutionsBackup and RecoveryBetter performance at lower costGenerative AIPlug into the distributed cloudMedia Post ProductionFaster downloads globallyStreaming & DistributionBetter performance for videoLog StorageMaximize log observabilityActive ArchiveGlobal data archivalPricingPartnersPartnersStorj PartnersFind an expert to get startedPartner ProgramJoin Storj as a partnerPartner TypesTech PartnersStorj technology partnershipsChannel PartnersStorj channel partnershipsNode OperatorsStorj Partner ProgramLet's change the internet together.Individual Node OperatorsGet paid for your extra disk spaceCommercial Node OperatorsMonetize large scale excess capacityResourcesResourcesBlogThe latest news and updatesCase StudiesLearn how teams are using StorjMore resourcesReports, videos and moreEventsUpcoming EventsJoin us for live and digital events.Webinar ReplaysWatch our library of webinars.DevelopersIntegrationsEasily plug Storj into your stackDocsGuides, tutorials, and moreDeveloper ForumJoin the global communityCompanyAboutAbout UsAbout the company.CareersHelp make decentralization possible.Inclusion at StorjChanging storage together.More InformationWhite PaperHow it all works from start to finish.PressStorj in articles and the news.Media KitOur logo, colors and more.We're HiringJoin our globally distributed team in building a decentralized future.Open positionsSign inGet startedProductHow it WorksWhy decentralization is betterIntegrationsPlug into the distributed cloudWhy StorjS3-CompatabilityAvailability & DurabilityPerformanceSecurity & PrivacySustainabilityComplianceSolutionsBackup & RecoveryBetter performance at lower costBig Data and Generative AIPlug into the distributed cloudCloud AppsSeamlessly build and scale appsWeb3Future-proof your dataStreamingFaster downloads globallyVideo SharingBetter performance for videoSoftware DistributionPush software updates globallyPricingPartnersPartnersOur PartnersFind an expert to get startedPartner ProgramJoin the decentralized futureTech PartnersStorj technology partnersChannel PartnersStorj channel partnershipsNode OperatorsHost a NodeGet paid for your extra disk spaceCommercial Node OperatorsHow to operate and maintain a nodeResourcesResourcesBlogThe latest news and updates.Case StudiesLearn how teams are using StorjMore ResourcesReports, videos and moreEventsUpcoming EventsJoin us for live and digital eventsWebinar ReplaysWatch our library of webinarsDevelopersIntegrationsEasily plug Storj into your stackDocsGuides, Tutorials, and moreDeveloper ForumJoin the global communityCompanyAboutAbout UsAbout the Company.CareersHelp make decentralization possible.Inclusion at StoriChanging storage together.More InformationWhite PaperHow it all works from start to finish.PressStorj in articles and the news.Media KitOur logo, brand colors and moreSign InStart for freeOur MissionWe're Building The Decentralized FutureAt Storj, our mission is to enable the decentralized future, and our vision is to be the storage layer for the decentralized internet.EmployeesOver 70+ remote team members in 20+ countries contribute to our success.Nodes16,000+ active storage nodes from all over the world storing data on the network.ObjectsStorj stores millions of objects split into billions of pieces.CapacityMultiple petabytes with petabyte-scale enterprise and Web3 customers.Who We AreFounded by Shawn Wilkinson in 2014, Storj was created with the simple idea of putting unused resources to work for the purpose of making storage safer, faster, and more affordable. Now we’re building enterprise-ready object storage that’s S3 compatible with unparalelled security.How We Do itOn Storj, no file is ever in one place. Instead, files are encrypted, split into 80+ smaller pieces, then distributed on a global network of individual nodes. When data needs to be reconstituted, it’s automatically put back together by the network.STORJ TokenSTORJ Token is an ERC-20 utility token, used as an exchange of value in the Storj ecosystem. Storj Token lets us send and receive payments worldwide for minimal costs and no currency conversion fees. STORJ token is a simple payment solution for customers.Meet our leadership team.Ben GolubCEOShawn WilkinsonFounder & CSOJT OlioChief ArchitectKatherine JohnsonCPLOJohn GleesonCOODorrie ChungCFORosie PongraczChief Marketing OfficerMark GlasgowChief Revenue OfficerJacob WilloughbyChief Technology OfficerColby WinegarSVP Business DevelopmentCome Work With UsJoin our globally distributed team of brilliant minds making decentralization possible.Open PositionsOur Culture of InclusionAt Storj, diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of our core values and company culture.Our DEI EffortsSwitch to Storj and get ridiculously resilient cloud object storage with blazing performance and zero-trust security.Subscribe to our newsletter

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2014年,Shawn Wilkinson、Tome Boshevski和Josh Brandoff创立了Storj,旨在创建一个去中心化的云存储平台,为传统云存储提供安全、私密和经济实惠的替代方案。团队认为,传统云存储的中心化特性使用户数据容易受到黑客攻击和监控,而去中心化的解决方案可以解决这些问题。

















与之兼容的Amazon S3使Storj更具吸引力,因为Amazon S3是最广泛使用的云存储服务之一。这意味着Storj的去中心化存储平台能够与兼容Amazon S3的应用程序和工具实现无缝集成。通过提供S3兼容性,Storj使开发人员和用户能够轻松迁移现有的应用程序、数据和工作流到Storj网络,无需进行大规模修改。这种兼容性为利用Storj的去中心化存储,并同时保持与S3生态系统的兼容性提供了许多机会,为那些熟悉Amazon S3的用户带来了灵活性和便利性。



值得一提的是,根据截至2023年5月的The Web3 Index数据,Storj是在Web3网络协议中支付最高费用的DApp(去中心化应用程序)之一。

来源:The Web3 Index







Source: Storj (via Google)




Storj IPFS固定服务

Source: Storj












2017年5月,Storj进行了一次约获得3000万美元的首次代币发行(ICO)。这次ICO的目的是引入新代币,共发行了5亿枚代币以取代之前的SJCX代币。在此之前,Storj在2014年进行的众筹活动中筹集了910 BTC(当时价值约46万美元)。










作者: Gabriel译者: Piper文章审校: KOWEI、Edward、Ashley He* 投资有风险,入市须谨慎。本文不作为Gate.io提供的投资理财建议或其他任何类型的建议。* 在未提及Gate.io的情况下,复制、传播或抄袭本文将违反《版权法》,Gate.io有权追究其法律责任。相关文章中级浅谈合并:什么是以太坊2.0?一场可能影响整个加密生态的升级

Dec 14, 2022新手什么是冷钱包?快速了解什么是冷钱包,及其不同的类型和优势。Nov 21, 2022新手什麼是稳定币?稳定币是一种价格较为稳定的加密货币,价格往往与现实中的某种法定货币挂勾。稳定币在DeFi,乃至整个加密货币生态中都具有重要地位。Aug 16, 2023关于关于我们职业机会用户协议隐私政策费率标准媒体工具包100% 保证金Gate SAFUGate LabsGate VenturesGate Grants安全方案公告列表社群列表GT用户权益Gatechain日历法务合规问题产品加密货币行情ETH2.0升级法币交易币币交易永续合约杠杆代币Startup芝麻金融NFT跨链方案Gate PayMiniApp礼品卡ETH 2.0关于 USDGGate OTCGate CharityGate借记卡大数据服务建议反馈帮助中心提交工单上币申请智能合约安全开发者中心(API)官方验证渠道P2P商家招募P2P蓝V申请机构机构和VIP服务经纪商计划推荐官计划邀请首页代理商币圈币圈动态直播聊天室快讯未来事件博客Learn学院比特百科探索热门话题比特币减半如何购买GT如何购买Bitcoin如何购买Ethereum如何购买USDT如何购买DOGE如何购买加密货币加密货币价格预测芝麻金融余币宝财富管理定投理财ETH2.0 挖矿理财宝结构性理财双币宝抵押借币流动性挖矿云算力插槽竞拍简体中文简体中文EnglishTiếng Việt繁體中文EspañolРусский языкFrançaisDeutschPortuguês (Portugal)ภาษาไทยIndonesiaTürkçe日本語عربيУкраїнськаPortuguês (Brasil)技术支持商务洽谈法务合规Copyright © 2013-2024. All Right Reserved.新版反馈 建议反馈 日历 移动端电脑端Windows版 MacOS版 关于Gate.io职业机会用户协议费率标准LOGO 下载100% 保证金Gate Ventures合作伙伴产品ETH2.0升级法币交易Markets杠杆交易ETF永续合约财务中心跨链方案大数据成长学院服务上币申请Gate Grants开发者中心(API)大客户权益机构服务经纪商计划Influencers计划返佣计划代理商安全方案MiniApp如何买买GT买BTC买ETH买DOGE买XRP买SHIB买DOT更多技术支持商务洽谈法务合规 版权所有 © 2013-2022

Storj——区块链云储界的未来霸主 - 知乎

Storj——区块链云储界的未来霸主 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Storj——区块链云储界的未来霸主一条深海鲸鱼简介什么的最无聊了继今早的大瀑布之后,又有一项目公布锁仓计划:“Storj Labs宣布把2.45亿个STORJ代币锁仓6个月”,锁仓的目的是团队将利用这些代币发展STORJ的经济生态系统和研发产品,6个月之后团队会公布这些代币的详细分配计划。这是继瑞波币XRP之后的又一锁仓项目,不同的是,STORJ锁仓的代币是发行时没有对外公开销售的,一直是团队保留。6个月之后STORJ面世也伴随着团队的研发结束,这对于STORJ的前景来说是个潜在的利好。Storj是一个不会停机的云存储平台,一个去中心化的基于区块链的分布式云存储系统,它能保证任何时候对用户上传到区块链的内容进行加密。若用户要从区块链上下载内容,就必须使用对应的私钥。因此,Storj网络可靠性和安全性都非常高。目前Storj的用户存储量已达到5PB。STORJ参数名称:Storj市值排名:86当前价格:¥10.07涨跌幅:+3.32%上线时间:2017-07-03货币总量:424,999,998流通量:105,413,683区块时间:18秒官网:https://storj.io上线交易平台:Bittrex、Poloniex、Liqui、币安、火币、比特儿)等代币的革新为了加快生态发展和协议开发募集资金,团队在今年五月份左右将协议迁移到以太坊网络上部署,并使用ERC20合约创建出了STORJ。老代币将全部被销毁。团队通过和CoinFund合作,通过公平透明的方式来处理该公司持有的大量代币。并制订了一个计划来分步骤实施。在代币转换之前,已经进行了一部分的代币销售活动,融资3000万美元左右,平均每个币的价格为0.5美元。同类型项目对比相互对比之后可以看出,STORJ的货币优势是很大的,虽然市值不如其他两个但是却是最有前景的。新闻近况1、医疗数据分享app doc.ai选择Storj作为去中心化云存储提供商。2、STORJ将集成SONM的生态系统,用户可以使用SNM的计算机算力来运行应用工具,进行数据处理。3、和FileZilla的合作开发。今日走势丝毫没有受整个市场行情的影响,一直到下午4点左右仍旧小幅度上涨。手里有币的朋友可以长线观察,预计六个月之后会有大动态。总结STORJ在存储币项目里算是很优质的了,盘子没有SC那么大,而且协议建立在以太坊网络上会有大跨步的进展,团队在上个月底基本完成老代币的回收,币友眼里最艰难的换币的坎儿已经迈过去了,接下来就看技术研发了。六个月之后公开技术研发成果和路线,基本上市值就可以和SC他们站排了。 (二维码自动识别)编辑于 2017-12-20 18:08比特币 (Bitcoin)数字加密货币​赞同 6​​2 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

How Decentralized Storage Works

Decentralized Storage Works

Skip to main contentWasabi & Backblaze Customers | Burned by spicy price hikes? Cool your cloud bill with StorjCalculate your savingsProductProductHow it WorksA new approach to cloud storageIntegrationsIt's easy to make the switchWhy StorjS3-CompatibilityAvailability & DurabilityPerformanceSecurity & PrivacySustainabilityComplianceSolutionsSolutionsBackup and RecoveryBetter performance at lower costGenerative AIPlug into the distributed cloudMedia Post ProductionFaster downloads globallyStreaming & DistributionBetter performance for videoLog StorageMaximize log observabilityActive ArchiveGlobal data archivalPricingPartnersPartnersStorj PartnersFind an expert to get startedPartner ProgramJoin Storj as a partnerPartner TypesTech PartnersStorj technology partnershipsChannel PartnersStorj channel partnershipsNode OperatorsStorj Partner ProgramLet's change the internet together.Individual Node OperatorsGet paid for your extra disk spaceCommercial Node OperatorsMonetize large scale excess capacityResourcesResourcesBlogThe latest news and updatesCase StudiesLearn how teams are using StorjMore resourcesReports, videos and moreEventsUpcoming EventsJoin us for live and digital events.Webinar ReplaysWatch our library of webinars.DevelopersIntegrationsEasily plug Storj into your stackDocsGuides, tutorials, and moreDeveloper ForumJoin the global communityCompanyAboutAbout UsAbout the company.CareersHelp make decentralization possible.Inclusion at StorjChanging storage together.More InformationWhite PaperHow it all works from start to finish.PressStorj in articles and the news.Media KitOur logo, colors and more.We're HiringJoin our globally distributed team in building a decentralized future.Open positionsSign inGet startedProductHow it WorksWhy decentralization is betterIntegrationsPlug into the distributed cloudWhy StorjS3-CompatabilityAvailability & DurabilityPerformanceSecurity & PrivacySustainabilityComplianceSolutionsBackup & RecoveryBetter performance at lower costBig Data and Generative AIPlug into the distributed cloudCloud AppsSeamlessly build and scale appsWeb3Future-proof your dataStreamingFaster downloads globallyVideo SharingBetter performance for videoSoftware DistributionPush software updates globallyPricingPartnersPartnersOur PartnersFind an expert to get startedPartner ProgramJoin the decentralized futureTech PartnersStorj technology partnersChannel PartnersStorj channel partnershipsNode OperatorsHost a NodeGet paid for your extra disk spaceCommercial Node OperatorsHow to operate and maintain a nodeResourcesResourcesBlogThe latest news and updates.Case StudiesLearn how teams are using StorjMore ResourcesReports, videos and moreEventsUpcoming EventsJoin us for live and digital eventsWebinar ReplaysWatch our library of webinarsDevelopersIntegrationsEasily plug Storj into your stackDocsGuides, Tutorials, and moreDeveloper ForumJoin the global communityCompanyAboutAbout UsAbout the Company.CareersHelp make decentralization possible.Inclusion at StoriChanging storage together.More InformationWhite PaperHow it all works from start to finish.PressStorj in articles and the news.Media KitOur logo, brand colors and moreSign InStart for freeA better way to store data.We don't own or operate a single data center. Instead, we put unused storage space to work on a global network. By splitting files into pieces and storing them all over the world, we're enabling better performance, security, and cost.Start for free Get a demoHow it WorksDecentralization is complicated stuff, we make it simple while offering a new standard in security, performance, and pricing.1. EncryptFirst, objects are automatically encrypted using AES-256-GCM encryption.2. SplitEncrypted data is then split into pieces that can't be distinguished from any other object’s pieces.3. DistributeNext, pieces are individually distributed to uncorrelated nodes around the world.4. RetrieveFinally, only 29 of an object’s pieces are needed to reconstitute that data for download.Start for free Common QuestionsEncryptionSplitting filesGlobal distributionData retrievalStep 1EncryptStorj automatically encrypts all files before being uploaded--your data is only in your hands and those you share it with.Get startedCan Storj see the data I store?We use the best in encryption technology on a decentralized network which means we couldn't access your encrypted data even if we really wanted to. This is why data breaches and downtime are a thing of the past with Storj.What kind of encryption is used?Every file is encrypted using AES-256-GCM symmetric encryption. This is standard on every file before being uploaded to the network which is why no unauthorized user can access your data.Why is this important?Only you should own your data. A file on Storj can't be accessed without keys or permissions. Everything is encrypted before being uploaded—your data can only be viewed by those who have been granted access.Can I revoke access privileges?Yes. You have complete control over yourdata and can give and take away permission at any timeStep 2SplitAfter being encrypted, each object is split into pieces that are indistinguishable from any other object’s pieces—this also gives your data constant availability.Get startedHow many pieces do files get split into?Each file gets split into 80 pieces, and retrieving a file only requires 29 of those pieces. Each of piece is stored on a different Node, all with different operators, power supplies, networks, and geographies.Why split up the files?Splitting files into pieces means your data is never in one place, ensuring ultimate security and availability. If there's a massive power outage, or something causes several nodes to go offline, that's completely ok. The Storj network automatically repairs each piece and recreates it on a healthy node ensuring data is never lost. And because each piece is indistinguishable from any other file's pieces without the encryption key, this enables unparalleled security and privacy.Is this secure?This is a new standard in data security. You don’t have to trust us, that’s just how it works. We’ve taken trust out of the equation entirely by using Reed-Solomon erasure coding. If someone else wants to access your data, they would need to locate each node, then identify your files piece from thousands of other file pieces and repeat that process 29 times. Next, they would need to break AES-256-GCM encryption, which protects the world’s most sensitive data and classified information. It’s not going to happen.Step 3DistributeEach piece of an object is distributed over a massive global network of nodes so data is never in just one place—it's all over the world with better security and privacy.Get startedWhere are the nodes?Our global network is made up of thousands of Nodes. Currently, over 20k Nodes are being hosted in 80+ countries.How many nodes are files stored on?80. We split each file into 80 different encrypted pieces, and each piece is stored on a unique, statistically uncorrelated node.How are nodes selected to store an object piece?Nodes are automatically selected according to reputation and local latency. We select reputable nodes at random, weighted by network diversity, then attempt to upload to a larger set of those selected nodes. The fastest nodes from this set are chosen to store files.Step 4RetrieveWhen you retrieve an object, only 29 of its 80 pieces are needed to reconstitute that object. With no central point of failure, your data is always quickly available, all over the world.Get startedHow many pieces are needed to retrieve a file?To retrieve a file, we only need 29 encrypted pieces. Using just those 29 pieces, the network can automatically rebuild the data contained in the remaining pieces.What happens if a node goes offline?One node going offline won't impact any files. Our network's automatic repair processreacts when too many pieces for any filesare lost, and repairs them within a very healthy margin of safety.More resources.Browse resourcesEdge-Based PrivacyDiscover how to practically apply the unique edge-based security and privacy benefits of decentralization to solve real-world problems.Read moreData Security BriefTake a deep dive into the multi-layered encryption and access management capabilities of Storj DCS that deliver a new standard in data security.Read moreAvailability & ReliabilityIf your data isn't there when you need it most, you're out of business. Learn how Storj DCS can ensure on-demand availability of your data.Read moreBuild on the distributed cloud.Get S3-compatible object storage with better security, performance and cost.Start for free Switch to Storj and get ridiculously resilient cloud object storage with blazing performance and zero-trust security.Subscribe to our newsletter

Thanks for joining our newsletterOops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.ProductHomeHow it worksPricingIntegrationsSign inHost a nodeResourcesDocsBlogForumResourcesWhite paperDCS supportNode supportCompanyAboutCareersDEIContactOpen-sourcePartners programPressLegalPrivacy policyTerms of serviceTerms of useNode T&CDisclosuresBug BountyCanaryContact us1450 W. Peachtree St. NW #200 PMB 75268 Atlanta, GA 30309-2955Copyright © 2022 Storj Labs Inc | All Rights ReservedFirst, cookie stuff...We care about your privacy and only use 1st party cookies to understand how you interact with our website. Unlike most websites, we never use 3rd party cookies and won’t sell this data to anyone.Sounds GoodNo ThanksRead Our Privacy PolicyCookies on Storj.ioWe use cookies to improve your experience on our website. We’ll never sell this data to anyone.Read our Privacy PolicyNo ThanksSounds Good

Storj Docs

j DocsSearch docsLoginHomeLearnNodeHelp CenterMake the world your datacenterStore every byte with Storj's distributed nodes, ensuring your data is everywhere, even before you need it.Quick Startrcloneaws cliuplinkrclone copy storj-tree.png storj:my-bucket/OverviewGetting startedMigrateBucketsObjectsAPIAccessCode ExamplesPricingThird-Party ToolsWelcome to the Storj Documentation!What is StorjStorj is the leading provider of enterprise-grade, globally distributed cloud object storage. It is a drop-in replacement for any S3-compatible object storage that is just as durable but with 99.95% availability and better global performance from a single upload. Storj delivers default multi-region CDN-like performance with zero-trust security at a cost that’s 80% lower than AWS S3.Easily integrated into any existing stack with S3 compatibility, Storj is a trustless, globally distributed network that utilizes existing excess storage capacity making enterprise-grade performance, privacy, and resiliency available with compelling economic benefits.Main featuresSome of the main Storj features include:FeatureDescriptionS3 CompatibilityChange the endpoint and credentials with an S3-compatible tool of your choice and you’ll be up and running in minutes.Third-party toolsDozen of compatible tools allowing backups, transfering large files, file management, content delivery, scientific data, and more!End-to-End EncryptionOwn your data with default encryption and user-assigned access grants so no one can view or compromise your data without permission.Cost EfficiencyStorage as low as $4.00 per TB per month with $7.00 per TB per month for egress.Multi-regionMulti-region cloud object storage for all data distributed to tens of thousands of Storage nodes around the world.Open SourceTake advantage of absolute transparency through our open source code. You are not locked-in to our technology or cost structure.How to Use These DocsOn the left side of the screen, you'll find the docs navbar. The pages are organized sequentially that you can follow step-by-step or if you're already familiar with object storage you can jump to the section that applies most to your use case.On the right side of the screen, there's a table of contents to help you move between parts of a page. To find a page fast, use the search bar at the top or press Ctrl+K or Cmd+K on your keyboard.Join the communityIf you're stuck on an issue, chances are someone has seen it before or can help you troubleshoot it. How to build on top of Storj resources, administer servers, write and deploy code, and install and configure open source tools. helpVisit our Help Center for support.NextGetting startedOn this pageWhat is StorjMain featuresHow to Use These DocsJoin the communityGetting helpEdit this page on GitHu

GitHub - storj/storj: Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.

GitHub - storj/storj: Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.

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Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.


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Storj is building a distributed cloud storage network.

Check out our white paper for more info!

Storj is an S3-compatible platform and suite of distributed applications that

allows you to store data in a secure and distributed manner. Your files are

encrypted, broken into little pieces and stored in a global distributed

network of computers. Luckily, we also support allowing you (and only you) to

retrieve those files!

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Start using Storj

Our wiki has documentation and tutorials.

Check out these three tutorials:

Using the Storj Test Network

Using the Uplink CLI

Using the S3 Gateway


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For code released under the AGPLv3, we request that contributors sign our updated

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Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.












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